Jimdo, the website builder that I use to create devoneliseatkins.com, is sponsoring me to attend Internet Festival Pisa, along with Russian photographer Roman Drits. We've been invited to attend the festival and each produce a work over the 3 days. The festival will explore contemporary internet culture and trends, as well as innovation in art and technology. The event and workshop line up looks fantastic and I'm really excited to be involved.
I've never been to the city, known for fly-by tourists who drop in to take a silly photo or two, then continue on their way. I'm excited to spend a little more time in the city and find some historical places that are often overlooked by box-ticking visitors.
Judging by the IF website, there are some interesting and beautiful looking venues that I will be checking out! It will be a busy few days conceiving, filming and editing a project, but I'm excited to have the opportunity and I like working under pressure. It will also be a pleasure to work alongside Drits and gain insight into his beautiful black and white perception of the world around him.
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